How To Get More Video Views on Instagram

Instagram is a social network that revolves around people interacting over photos and videos. It is an image-sharing site that connects people from all parts of the world. On the other hand, with Instagram’s growth, it is no longer restricted to being a photo-sharing site but is also used by people as a side hustle. Many Instagram influencers and small businesses have emerged due to Instagram’s worldwide users. If you are one of the business handlers, then this article is for you. Instagram business can involve heavy competition, and generating views and impressions for your posts has become tougher due to Instagram’s constant algorithm change. It is challenging to gain your customer’s attention when there are a lot of distractions out there.

Instagram Views
Instagram Views

Follow These Major Steps to Get More Video Views on Instagram

Firstly, it is essential to pay attention to Instagram’s constantly changing algorithm. Use Instagram insights to keep you updated with your engagement. It is essential to note the highs and lows and abide by them. Be as active as you can on your page; your followers should know of your presence. Updating your stories daily is one of the crucial ways to let people know about your existence. While these are some basic rules to get more views, let’s dig deeper.

Different Content

People are bored with seeing the same content everywhere. To gain more views, make sure the content you’re posting is unique and different; not absurd but relatable. Adding on, use a unique Instagram story sticker to gain your audience’s attention. While promoting your post or sharing content on your page story, always add unique stickers to attract attention. Stickers like; location stickers, hashtag stickers, GIF stickers, poll stickers etc. And lastly, you can also create your sticker and post them online. The tip is to be unique and different when posting them.

GO LIVE With Instagram

The easiest way to grab a person’s attention is to go live. While as easy as it sounds, it is also quite demanding and challenging to be on Instagram live. For if you don’t keep your audience engaged, they might simply skip to others. However, live helps you to connect with your customers and ask for their comments and questions. The different kinds of Instagram live you can conduct: a Q&A session- allowing your customers to clarify any queries; launching a product- to alert your customers on your new product; address an issue- any internal or external problem relating to your account can be addressed in front of your followers. All of these can grab their attention and help you gain more followers.

Engage with people Or Followers

Engagement plays a vital role in gaining views. Gain your customer’s trust by revealing your true self, posting more authentic content, and replying to their comments and stories. Type captivating captions to gain their attention. Post stories with polls and Q&As and answer them privately or publicly. While you engage yourself with your customers, maintain politeness and handle them with gentleness. You represent your venture. So, to gain views, you need to be kind to people.


Reach out to different people, the popular ones, and collaborate with them so that their followers can also get to know your venture. Collaboration is a great way to gain views. Reach out to celebrities and make a deal with them to promote your account. This can also be considered a paid promotion to gain views. Group lives with famous personalities can also be another effective way.

Create Hype Among People

People love offers and discounts. Customers are even more interested than earlier in your products or page when you have major discounts on them. Have an offer period at least once a month for people to look forward to. Do more giveaways than expected to grab your follower’s attention. Make sure to have a grand giveaway for people to participate. Hype about them in your stories, and also ask your friends and family to encourage their followers to participate in your giveaways. Post the process and the winner. Keep it grand to motivate and boost people to participate. In this manner, you can gain a lot more views than expected.

Be More Reachable and Transparent

In this virtual world, getting scammed or fraud is one of the fears all customers have. People think twice before trusting a new account. So to gain people’s trust and views, you need to be more transparent and reachable. Be clear and kind while responding to their messages or comments. Add a personal element to everything you do. You don’t need to be wholly formal or ridiculous; rather keep it professionally ethical. Gain views by gaining people’s trust.

Organize your feed

Your feed must be visually appealing and pleasing, and many applications can help you organize your feed to gain views. So get tips from these apps and organize your account. Ensure to create an account that is easy for your customers to view. Start by creating a simple username which is easy to pronounce and remember. Highlight the important stories to bring to people’s notice and maintain a non-cluttered feed. Always respond to comments and DMs. In this way, your feed will look more trustable, and people will look forward to viewing your posts.

Wrapping Up

We hope with all our tips mentioned above, you can now create more quality content and increase your engagement and insight. However, if these sound challenging, you need not be overwhelmed by the process; instead, remember your aim to serve your fellow beings. So be authentic and ethical in what you are doing and build your marketing strategy and be consistent with it. With all these mentions, if you imply them right, you can now gain more views than expected. Happy creating!Â