The digital world is the future where a person’s validation is based on their social profile. One such application that validates your presence is ‘Instagram’- a social networking application that started on 6th October 2010. These networks help you connect with people all over the world, and now with their growth, they also help you to earn money. Yes! You heard it right. Many Instagram influencers are posting their content and earning through their audience interaction. While it sounds like an easy way to earn an income, the influencers also have to put in a lot of effort to gain an audience.

Every like matters. But if you are wondering why Instagram likes matter in 2022, we have discussed it in this article. Instagram acts as a platform to connect content creators from all over the world with their audiences which too hail from all parts of the world. When a picture is liked by someone who lives far away, the content creator gets to know about their exposure and reach. This motivates them to post more and better content.
These tiny little red hearts play a crucial role for the influencers as it determines their authority on the platform. Although, for this sake, Instagram has launched a new algorithm that decides which content gets more exposure and which creator gets more followers. However, despite the algorithm, you can still get a good amount of followers and decent likes. First off, begin with creating an Instagram Marketing Strategy to engage in more likes.
If you are confused about how to create one, then keep reading. To begin with, we would suggest you not buy your likes. If you didn’t know that option existed, now you know it does. As easy as it sounds, buying likes is not as effective as gaining them. It is more of a scam, so that is off the list.
To continue with our first tip:
Create Better and Unique Content On Your Instagram Page
Plato said, “Art is an imitation of the real world that was an imitation of Idea”. To break this down for you, everything and everywhere you see, you can find inspiration to create content. Of course, content is an art, and you are the artist. To gain likes, your content has to be unique and visually appealing. So make sure to post what is worth somebody’s attention.
Research, research, research About Your Targeting Audience
Before putting it out to the world, know what you are doing. A creator needs to post relevant content to gain likes. So begin with finding your target audience. Yes, it’s essential to know for whom you are posting your content and make sure it is not offensive. Building your audience is an important strategy to gain likes.
Research your Competitors
It is like how they say, “keep your enemies closer”. Knowing your competitors will also give you new ideas for creating content. You will know what content is liked and what is disliked. This is not copying but merely learning about your audience’s preferences. This again will help you with making quality content and gaining more likes.
Hashtags for Likes
Hashtags play a crucial role in this process. So, try to come up with creative hashtags related to your content and add at least a minimum of ten in your posts. This will lead to a good amount of exposure and help you gain likes. The Hashtags must be related to your content and brand. This might look simple but needs to be strategically followed after every post. Instagram gives a separate section to search based on Tags, so make sure to use the right ones.
Collaborate with other Instagrammers
To gain likes, you first need exposure. That’s the whole point. And to gain exposure, one of the best ways is to collaborate with different people. Reach out to brands and influencers with more followers than you, collaborate with them, and post content tagging them. Thanks to Instagram’s new update, you can now post a collaboration where two influencers post content together, exposing them to each other’s audience. This is one of the best ways to gain likes on Instagram.
Write Captivating Captions
Captions are vital to gaining likes. Whether they are long or short- every post deserves a description. Sometimes, when the post doesn’t attract, captions might! So make sure not to lose out on that. Captions are said to add personality and context to what you post. It can be a description of your content, the inspiration that made you create it, or your personal experience of it. The key is to make it look personal so that the audience can relate and press that tiny red heart.
Tag the right people
When you post content for a brand, tagging people related to the brand will also help you in gaining their attention. Don’t limit yourself to the number of tags. Tag related people or even other brands up to the limit. Friends and acquaintances are also encouraged. This is another way of letting people know that you have posted content and are trying to bring that to their notice.
Be consistent
Consistency is always the key to success. To gain more likes, be consistent with posting your content so that you are constantly engaged with your audience. Your followers must remember you, and for that, you have to keep showing up on their feed. Do not ghost them and keep reminding them of your existence. They will remind you of theirs by liking your posts.
Final thoughts
While these are some tips to gain likes, you can try being different and experimental because there is no hard and fast rule to gaining likes. What might work for one person may not apply to you. But, before you consider trying other options, we recommend you test the waters with the ones listed in this article. In 2022, like eating and drinking, gaining likes as an influencer is equally essential.